울산대학교 | 류광선교수

Research results


International conference

Improved electrochemical and air stability performance of SeS2 doped argyrodite lithium superionic conductors for all-solid-state lithium batteries

Hak-Min Kim and Kwang-Sun Ryu
June 26~July 1, 2022, Sydney, Australia
The 21st International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB 2022)

Synthesis and electrochemical performance of SiO2 doped superionic halogen-rich argyrodites for all-solid state lithium batteries

June 26~July 1, 2022, Sydney, Australia
The 21st International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB 2022)

Improving air stability of Li7P2S8I through ZnO co-doping for all-solid-state lithium batteries

Geum-Ji Jang and Kwang-Sun Ryu
June 26~July 1, 2022, Sydney, Australia
The 21st International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB 2022)

Evolution of LixP2SyI crystalline solid electrolytes from (nLi2S-LiI)-(P2S5) solid solutions

Rajesh Rajagopal, Han-Jin Jeon, and Kwang-Sun Ryu
June 26~July 1, 2022, Sydney, Australia
The 21st International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB 2022)

Evolution of LixP2SyI crystalline solid electrolytes from (nLi2S-LiI)-(P2S5) solid solutions

Rajesh Rajagopal, Han-Jin Jeon, and Kwang-Sun Ryu
June 26~July 1, 2022, Sydney, Australia
The 21st International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB 2022)

Preparation of cathode composite with selective particle sized solid electrolyte for all-solid-state lithium batteries

Rajesh Rajagopal, Kyu-Sik Kim and Kwang-Sun Ryu
June 26~July 1, 2022, Sydney, Australia
The 21st International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB 2022)

Improving the Electrochemical Performance of Li7P2S8X Solid Electrolyte with Compositional Tuning and Doping Process

Kwang-Sun Ryu, Rajesh Rajagopal
July 17~22, 2022, Boston Parr Plaza, Boston, USA
22nd International Conference of Solid State Ionics

Superior lithium dendrite suppression ability and air stability of Sc2O3 substituted Li-argyrodites superionic conductor and admirable cyclability in lithium solid state batteries

Kwang-Sun Ryu, Subramanian Yuvaraj
July 17~22, 2022, Boston Parr Plaza, Boston, USA
22nd International Conference of Solid State Ionics

Improved electrochemical and air stability performance of SeS2 doped argyrodite lithium superionic conductors for all-solid-state lithium batteries

Hak-Min Kim, Kwang-Sun Ryu
August 16~17, 2022, On line meeting
Joint Seminar between University of Ulsan and Fukuoka University

Synthesis of glass-ceramic Li7-2xZnxP2S8-xOxI oxysulfide solid electrolyte with high chemical stability for all-solid-state lithium batteries

Geum-Ji Jang, Rajesh Rajagopal, and Kwang-Sun Ryu
August 16~17, 2022, On line meeting
Joint Seminar between University of Ulsan and Fukuoka University

Domestic conference

Synthesis of lithium superionic halogen-rich argyrodite (Li6-xPS5-xCl1.0Brx) and their excellent electrochemical performance in Li-solid state batteries

Subramanian Yuvaraj, Minkyoung Son, and Kwang-Sun Ryu
6월 30일~7월 1일, 2022, KINTEX 제 1전시장 세미나룸 212-213호
2022 한국전지학회 춘계학술대회

Preparation and optimization of Li7P2S8Br solid electrolyte for all solid-state lithium battery

Rajesh Rajagopal, Yeong eun Lee, and Kwang-Sun Ryu
6월 30일~7월 1일, 2022, KINTEX 제 1전시장 세미나룸 212-213호
2022 한국전지학회 춘계학술대회

Enhanced interface stability and air stability of Sc2O3 substituted Li-argyrodites superionic conductor for lithium solid-state batteries

Subramanian Yuvaraj, Kwang-Sun Ryu
6월 30일~7월 1일, 2022, KINTEX 제 1전시장 세미나룸 212-213호
2022 한국전지학회 춘계학술대회

전고체 리튬 배터리용 선택적인 입자 크기의 고체 전해질을 사용한 양극 복합재의 제조

라제시 라자고팔, 김규식, 류광선
7월15일, 2022, 이순신리더십 국제센터 한산관
2022 한국전기화학회 부산울산경남 지부학술대회

전고체 리튬 배터리용 선택적인 입자 크기의 고체 전해질을 사용한 양극 복합재의 제조

라제시 라자고팔, 김규식, 류광선
7월15일, 2022, 이순신리더십 국제센터 한산관
2022 한국전기화학회 부산울산경남 지부학술대회

전고체 리튬 배터리용 Li6-xPS5-xCl1.0Brx (0≤x 0.5)의 합성, 공기안정성 및 전기화학적 연구

수브라마니안 유브라, 손민경, 류광선
7월15일, 2022, 이순신리더십 국제센터 한산관
2022 한국전기화학회 부산울산경남 지부학술대회

전고체 리튬전지용 Li7P2S8Br 고체 전해질 제조와 최적화

라제시 라자고팔, 이영은, 류광선
7월15일, 2022, 이순신리더십 국제센터 한산관
2022 한국전기화학회 부산울산경남 지부학술대회

(nLi2S-LiI)-(P2S5) 고체 전해질로부터 개발된 LixP2SyI 결정질 고체 전해질에 관한 연구

라제시 라자고팔, 전한진, 류광선
7월15일, 2022, 이순신리더십 국제센터 한산관
2022 한국전기화학회 부산울산경남 지부학술대회

Tailored glass-ceramic ZnO co-doped Li7P2S8I solid electrolyte with high electrochemical and air stability for all-solid-lithium batteries

Geumji Jang and Kwang-Sun Ryu
10월 19일~21일, 2022, HICO 경주
대한화학회 제 130회 총회 및 학술발표 대회

Boosting electrochemical performance and air stability through SeS2 doping in Li6PS5Cl for all-solid-state lithium batteries

10월 19일~21일, 2022, HICO 경주
대한화학회 제 130회 총회 및 학술발표 대회

Enhanced electrochemical performance of SiO2 doped superionic halogen-rich argyrodites for all-solid state lithium batteries

Sujeong Park and Kwang-Sun Ryu
10월 19일~21일, 2022, HICO 경주
대한화학회 제 130회 총회 및 학술발표 대회

Synthesis of highly conductive P2S5-excess Li6PS5Cl lithium superionic conductors by solution method

Rajesh Rajagopal and Kwang-Sun Ryua
12월 1일~2일, 2022, 전남대학교 용지관컨벤션홀
2022 한국전지학회 추계학술대회

Optimization of high ionic conducting Li3YCl6 halide solid electrolyte through low-cost metal (Fe, Zr and F) substitution and their superior electrochemical performance in Li-solid state batteries

Subramanian Yuvaraj, Kwang-Sun Ryu
12월 1일~2일, 2022, 전남대학교 용지관컨벤션홀
2022 한국전지학회 추계학술대회

Synthesis and electrochemical performance of iodine excess Li6-xSbS5-xI1+x superior air stable argyrodite glass-ceramic electrolyte

Hak-Min Kim and Kwang-Sun Ryu
12월 1일~2일, 2022, 전남대학교 용지관컨벤션홀
2022 한국전지학회 추계학술대회

Exploration of electrochemical performance of Mn-substituted Li2ZrCl6 solid electrolyte for all solid state lithium batteries

Han-Jin Jeona, Kwang-Sun Ryu
2022 한국전지학회 추계학술대회

Exploration of electrochemical performance of Mn-substituted Li2ZrCl6 solid electrolyte for all solid state lithium batteries

Han-Jin Jeon, Kwang-Sun Ryu
12월 1일~2일, 2022, 전남대학교 용지관컨벤션홀
2022 한국전지학회 추계학술대회

Preparation of argyrodite Li6-2xZnxPS5-xOxCl with improved electrochemical performance and air stability for all-solid-state batteries

Geum-Ji Jang, Kwang-Sun Ryu
12월 1일~2일, 2022, 전남대학교 용지관컨벤션홀
2022 한국전지학회 추계학술대회

Synthesis of highly conductive P2S5-excess Li6PS5Cl lithium superionic conductors by solution method

Rajesh Rajagopal and Kwang-Sun Ryu
2022 한국전지학회 추계학술대회